About Us

TenDotReviews is a website dedicated to help you out regrading common problems of smart locks and home security. You will find troubleshooting and programming guides along with unbiased reviews of famous locks on this website. All the product are thoroughly tested analyzed before recommending them on this website. So, you can trust the reviews and make right decision according to your needs.

I am Wayne, owner and writer on TenDotReviews. I am locksmith by profession and have been working with smart locks for past 8 years. During these years, I have learnt a lot about different types of locks and the problems they cause. I have worked with almost all famous smart lock models.

A lot of people from community used to ask me for programming and troubleshooting guides of different locks as there was not enough content available on internet. So, I decided to start a website and guide people with detailed step by step instructions about troubleshooting and programming smart locks. I am happy to use this website as a platform to help other people with my knowledge and skills.